Bronq-c, Clembumar, Clenasma, Contraspasmin, Monores, Novegan, Oxibron,
Planipart, Prontovent, Spiropent, Venticil, Ventipulmin, Ventolase, ...
Therapeutic applications: Bronchial asthma and other diseases associated with reversible airways obstruction.
Description: Even though this is not the anabolic-androgenic steroid, those who used it, claiming that their effects are fully comparable with them. It has a very strong anti-catabolic properties, which reduces the states where there is degradation of muscle proteins with subsequent decline in performance. Also indicate the strong fat burning properties without respect drastic diets. Doping sinners use it most often in conjunction with anabolic-androgenic steroids due to maximize their effects.
Side effects are quite different from those which are characterized by anabolic-androgenic steroids. They are especially feeling restless, palpitations, trembling hands and fingers, excessive sweating, insomnia, in extreme doses, headache or nausea. These symptoms subside immediately after planting and means for re-deployment is apparently not present.
Until 1992, the impunity widely used by athletes to different levels and known affair with Krabeovou et al. he "said" the doping list. Anyway, by this time it was to be bought as a supplement Supplemental offered by various companies.
Abused benefits: According to the information available, abused doses depend primarily on the weight of doping sinner, ranging between 20-140 mcg per day. There are many schemes use the composition depending on the desired effect. I met with continuously increasing the dosage in each subsequent day with "you take two days, two days of pure", in daily use the same dose, the use of training to increase the effect in the fat burning, taking the twice daily dosing apart for 12 hours, etc.. Competitive bodybuilders said clenbuterol hydrochloride is very often combined in the bulk phase by means of oxandrolone, stanozololom injection or injection and other means. In preparation for the competition, fat scorching effect amplifies the alleged abuse also means liothyronine sodium.
Form: Tablets of 10 mcg, 20 mcg, as well as drops and powder form for veterinary use.