Nibal Injection, Primobolan-Depot, Primonabol-Depot, ...
Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.
Description: This is a form of injection enanthátovú means methenolone, which has a much longer duration of action than is the case in tablet form acetate. Most doping sinner sees this as a good resource base of nearly all anabolic cycles, even though its effect is said to be slightly weaker than the known nandrolone decanoate. The available information shows that the abuse usually during the construction of a large muscle mass, but some Doping sinners be applied in preparation for the competition. It should be pointed out that, compared to the acetate form causes greater storage of water in the muscles.
Side effects is very small - usually it is a lightweight acne. Flavored, does not increase blood pressure and are not known or significant adverse effects on the liver. Generally regarded as the safest injectable form of anabolic-androgenic steroid abuse by some who Doping sinners who caused the 17-alpha-alkylated steroids significant damage to the body. Of course, all of the published data do not exclude a potential danger in the event of massive administration for a long time.
Abused benefits: The available materials that weekly amount of abuse this facility is in the range 100-200 mg, which is usually combined with other anabolic-androgenic agents. During the building of muscle mass is most often mentioned of type mix testosterone, stanozolol, nandrolone decanoate as well. In preparation for the competition is being abused with other "harder" doping agents.
I am interested in information about that doping sinners who, due to the potential danger of avoiding strong hepatotoxic agent, methenolone enanthate successfully combined with testosterone undecanoate.
Form: Syringe ampoules containing 50 mg, 100 mg.