Oxymetholone is a very powerful anabolic androgenic steroid of immense capabilities. Generally abulking steroid, as size promotion is its primary purpose it does possess secondary characteristics well-suited for cutting as well but only in very specific cases and for the average man this type of use will never be implored. As a powerful steroid most will find Oxymetholone is best used during a bulking cycle at the front end as a kick start to the overall cycle. The most common practice is a 4-6 week run of Oxymetholone at a dosing of 50mg per day and for many this will be all theOxymetholone they will ever need. However, for those who want a little more and these individuals always exist, 100g per day for the same time frame can be successfully administered but there are some important notes. It is important to understand how your body reacts to this steroid before you ever begin a 100mg dose; further, understand the possibility of negative side-effects increase dramatically when the dosing is increased.
While 100mg a day will prove to be the maximum dosage that can be safely used, assuming the individual knows what they’re doing, beyond 100mg will often prove to be a waste as Oxymetholonehas been shown to possess a fast diminishing rate when you go past the 100g mark. This simply means doses of 150mg or 200mg and beyond will not produce results greater than 100mg or at least at any noteworthy affect. The same can also be said of total duration; past the 6 week mark the benefits of Oxymetholone supplementation will begin to largely fade. While an individual may indeed pack on as much as 20-30lbs with the steroid the first 4-6 weeks such massive increases will not occur past the 6 week mark.
As is with all anabolic steroids Oxymetholone does carry with it the possibility of negative adverse side-effects and with this steroid they can be very severe; especially when responsible use is thrown to the wind. Oxymetholone is one of the most hepatic oral steroids on the market; as a 17-aa steroid it is very toxic to the liver but while this is the case with all 17-aa steroids it is more so here. Granted, with responsible use liver damage will often be reversed when use is discontinued but this is assuming responsible sue was implored. Further, as it is well-known for, Oxymetholone can greatly cause a massive buildup in water retention, so much so that for many the effect can be unbearable. For this reason the use of an aromatase inhibitor (AI) is highly advised. Further, the use of an AI will aid in the prevention of Gynecomastia as well, another possible side-effect due to use. It is important to note, regarding water retention more often than not its unbearable nature is brought on by excess carbohydrate consumption. Excess carbohydrates will cause bloat, Oxymetholone will cause bloat; couple the two factors together and you often have a mess. Learn to control your eating and this problem can be largely avoided when responsible use is followed.
As is easy to see, by its very nature Oxymetholone serves the primary role of increasing size, however, many competitive bodybuilders supplement with the steroid at the end of a contest prep cycle in order to fill out more efficiently. One must have a full understanding of the steroid to pull off such use without excess water retention being a problem but as the steroids effect on carbohydrate consumption is so pronounced it can have a positive effect when used properly for this purpose.
Regardless of your purpose for use it is very important you ensure you are healthy enough for use to begin with. Oxymetholone can severely increase blood pressure and if your blood pressure is already high you cannot use this steroid and if you are predisposed to such a condition you are highly advised to stay away. As with most anabolic steroids supplemental testosterone is very important for the male users as Oxymetholone will suppress natural testosterone production. For the female this is a steroid we cannot recommend as virilization can be very problematic when supplemental Oxymetholone is part of the female athlete’s plans.
We have so many anabolic steroids to choose from; some strong, some a little weaker and anabolicsteroids that serve every purpose imaginable but there is none more potent than that of Anadrol, was first developed in the 1960s by Syntex Pharmaceuticals as oxymetholone with means to treat muscle wasting diseases, osteoporosis and anemia. As should come as no surprise, being as this drug was developed to treat muscle wasting diseases it would soon find its way into the performance enhancing world, as is common.
Anadrol is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids on the planet; as an oral steroid there is no stronger. As powerful as Anadrol is it is also one of the most problematic in terms of unwanted side-effects. As with all anabolic steroids there is always a risk to reward ratio and makes no exception.