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  • INFO

    ALTERNATIVE STEROID NAMES: Equipoise, Vebonol, Boldebal-H, Pace, Ganabol, Boldeno'n, Sybolin, Equipose, Boldenon, Boldabolic, Bolde U
    ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Boldenone Undecylenate 500mg/ml 10 ml vial
    Strength Gains: @@@@@@
    Mass & Weight Gains: @@@@@
    Fat Burning:  
    Cutting/Definition: @@@@
    Side Effects: @@@
    Ability to keep Gains: @@@@@@@
    Usual dosages: 500 - 1500 mg per week
    Detection time: 4 - 5 Months
    Best combined with:
    Bulking: Anadrol, Dianabol, Sustanon, Testosterones (Cypionate, Enanthate, Propionate).
    Cutting: Trenbolone, Halotestin, Winstrol
    Beginner Use: @@@@@@@@
    Female Use: @@@@@@@
    Pros: Steady increase of Strenght and hard, defined muscle mass, Gains are kept after the cycle, Easily obtainable.
    Cons: stays in system for a very long time, pricy



    Active Life: 14-16 days 

    Drug Class: Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid (for injection) 

    Average Dose: Men 500-1500 mg/week......Women 100-300 mg/week 

    Acne: Rare 

    Water Retention: Low 

    High Blood Pressure: Rare 

    Liver Toxic: No 

    Aromatization: Some, about 50% less than testosterone 

    DHT Conversion: Low

    Decrease HPTA function: Moderate


    (Boldenone undeclynate)

    Boldenone- Undeclynate, generally known as Equipoise is one of the most popular anabolic steroidswe have; not only among gym rats but professional athletes as well. The reason is simple, although not the most potent anabolic steroid available, its generally one of the best all-purpose anabolics we have. Further, Equipoise is an anabolic steroid easily tolerated well by many women which in the case of many anabolics can be a rarity; there are very few anabolic steroids available that dont produce often horrendous side-effects in women. In short, Equipoise is a steroid that can and is used in just about every group of athlete, male or female, professional or otherwise.

    Like many anabolic steroids Equipoise was not first developed for human use but like many steroids a use was found. Its original intent was for horses, not human beings but generally what works for one mammal will work for another; especially in the case of anabolic steroids.

    Equipoise Characteristics

    Because of the Undeclynate ester attached Equipoise is a slow acting steroid, much like the Decanoate ester; an ester commonly associated with long-slow acting anabolics. The half-life of Equipoiseis approximately fourteen (14) days making the need for frequent injections irrelevant on paper. However, many performance athletes will regularly inject the drug multiple times per week to maintain stable levels, as is common practice with many various anabolics. Common beneficial attributes of Equipoise include:

    • Increased Protein Synthesis
    • Increased Nitrogen Levels
    • Increased Red-Blood Cell Counts
    • Appetite Stimulation

    The after-mentioned are some of the very positive effects of Equipoise however it should be noted, as a high quality anabolic, Equipoise is not a well-suited steroid for large increases in muscle mass. If we were to list its strongest attributes they would include:

    • Increased Strength
    • Increased Vascularity
    • Muscle Tissue Preservation

    The increase in strength is a huge factor for many athletes who use Equipoise including ball players and some power lifters. However, in physique sports or for the everyday gym rat, many find its use to be best when dieting and leaning out. Granted, the increased appetite can be a problem for less disciplined individuals but it should be noted, this effect does not present itself in every Equipoise user.

    Boldenone- Undeclynate Equipoise vs. Nandrolone-Decanoate (Deca-Durabolin)

    Enter any steroid related message board and you will find a many misguided opinions on this topic. Lets be clear, these two anabolic steroids are not, repeat NOT interchangeable. These two anabolic steroids do not mimic each other in the slightest; in-fact they are very different. For a pure mass building effect Deca-Durabolin will always prove to be far more useful. One can gain mass from the use of Equipoise but not to the degree of Deca. The biggest reason for this misunderstanding is misguided information when Equipoise first hit the market, due largely in-part to the late Dan Duchaine who claimed the two drugs were similar; however, shortly after, Duchaine recanted but the myth never died.

    If we were to compare any anabolic steroid to Equipoise it would be testosterone; the two are very similar in composition, while in comparison to Deca they could not be any more different. Granted, both will shut your natural testosterone production down, as do most anabolics and both are good drugs for strength, but they also possess opposing traits, chemically and most notably the fact Equipoise does not possess the progestin qualities of Deca. In short, when you hear someone say you cant use both in the same cycle, ignore them; theres no logic behind this argument.

    Equipoise & Women

    Equipoise is generally viewed as one of the few anabolic steroids easily tolerated by females. The largest concern for most female anabolic users is virilization effects and these seem to be slightly to even non-existent in most females who use the drug responsibly. Many women use this steroid with great success as part of a stack; however, expect the results to be far more potent than other common female stacks such as Anavar and Primobolan.

    Equipoise Detection & Legality

    Equipoise has one of the longest detection times of any anabolic steroid; if you are a tested athlete you are urged to forgo its use. Equipoise can be detected in the urine for months even after use has been discontinued; some studies have claimed they can trace the drug back to as far as one year from the end of use. In most countries Equipoise is not legally obtainable; in most cases only through purchase from an underground lab can this drug be obtained. For that reason it is very important you understand the laws in the country you live.

$62.00 Regular Price
$38.00Sale Price

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