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    ALTERNATIVE STEROID NAMES: Halotestex, Halotestex tabeltes, Fluoxymesterone, Halotestin, Android-F, Ultandren, Hysterone Tabs, Stenox, Ora-Testryl, Halotestin
    ACTIVE SUBSTANCE: Fluoxymesterone 10mg/capsule 30 capsules
    Strength Gains: @@@@@@@@
    Mass & Weight Gains: @@@
    Fat Burning:  
    Cutting/Definition: @@@@@@@
    Side Effects: @@@@@@@@@
    Ability to keep Gains: @@
    Usual dosages: 10 - 20 mg per day
    Detection time: 2 months
    Best combined with:
    Bulking: Injectable testosterone (Cypionate, Propionate, Enanthate), Sustanon
    Cutting: Deca-Durabolin, Equipoise, Primobolan Depot
    Beginner Use: @@@
    Female Use:  
    Pros: Good Strength gains, exceptional definition.
    Cons: Extremely Liver-Toxic, rare to find, androgenic side effects.


    Pharmaceutical Name: Fluoxymesterone 

    Chemical structure: 9-alpha-fluoro-11-beta-hydroxy-17-alpha-methyl-4-androstene-3-one,17b-ol 

    Molecular weight of base: 336.4457 

    Effective dose: 20-30 mg / day orally



    It is one of the most powerful anabolic steroids of all time and one of the fastest acting to boot yet you will not find it to be commonly used by the majority of performance enhancing athletes; in the gym rat circles it can actually be somewhat of a rarity. While this remains true there are few steroids that equal the raw power of Fluoxymesterone commonly known as Halotestin and often simply referred to as Halo. Far more anabolic and androgenic than testosterone, the hormone by-which all anabolic steroids are measured, it is unique in its anabolic and androgenic nature. Halotestin by its very nature is both highly anabolic and highly androgenic yet it displays almost no androgenic effects leaving nothing but an anabolic end. As Halo is purely anabolic in action it is one of the absolute best strength increasing steroids on the market but in-terms of mass it will do very little; in-fact, we can safely say for mass it really won’t do anything at all.

    It should come as no surprise, Halotestin is most commonly found among strength athletes, particularly power lifters; however, it also has a very popular use among competitive bodybuilders, particularly during the latter portion of contest prep dieting. As these are the two most common groups who use the steroid it is rarely found among the majority of steroid users and this is the gym rat group; individuals who do not play or participate in any competitive sport, they are not bodybuilders competitively, they do not power lift competitively; they simply train for trainings sake in order to look and feel better. The reason is simple; while Halotestin is very powerful it is also very harsh and for the gym rat there are many other choices far safer and efficient to meet their desired goals.


    Derived from testosterone, many of the effects and traits can be akin to popular Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) steroids, although to a greater degree. As a testosterone derivative one might expect this steroid to aromatize heavily and while this would make sense it is however not the case, as Halo does not aromatize at all. What truly makes Halo special is in its ability to dramatically increase hemoglobin levels and the mass and structure of red blood cells by way of action in-which it correlates with erythropoietin. It is by this trait Halotestin gives us such a rapid and massive increase in strength and while other anabolic steroids can perform in a similar action Halo simply does it to a much larger degree. Like many other steroids Halotestin also appears to have a positive impact on metabolic function and even direct oxidation of fatty acids; however, this affect is so slight that it’s almost not worth mentioning, again making strength the primary attribute.

    As are most oral anabolic steroids Halotestin belongs to the 17 Alpha-Alkylated class (17-aa.) This classification refers to an alteration in the hormones structure, in this case Fluoxymesterone and refers to the hormones structure being altered at the 17th carbon position in order to allow survival in the body; without this alteration the hormone would be destroyed by the liver and it would never make it to the blood where activity becomes present. While this structural change allows the hormone to perform its desired action it is not without fault, for as you may understand 17-aa anabolic steroids are liver toxic and Halotestin makes no exception. In the case of Halo there is however a slight difference in toxicity levels when compared to many other oral 17-aa steroids and that is it possesses one of the highest levels of toxicity of all. The use of Halotestin can and will more than likely dramatically increase liver enzyme values and it is for this reason the steroid should only be used for short periods of time and in responsible doses. For those who use responsibly, while liver enzyme levels will increase they will return to normal shortly after use is discontinued, assuming you have a healthy liver to begin with.

    The Benefits of Halotestin:

    It is very common for the benefits of Halotestin to be compared to Winstrol (Stanozolol) and in some ways this isn’t inaccurate as both will and are designed for increasing strength and both steroids can lead to a harder physique; however, the difference in potency is not even close. Halo will increase strength at a rate incomparable to Winstrol and most anabolic steroids and in such rapid fashion that we can in many ways consider it the king of strength. Even so, while strength increasing is its primary function, due to the high liver toxicity most athletes will not use it for more than 4 weeks at a time and generally to reap the greatest benefit the final 4 weeks before the desired competition is at hand. As we eluded to there is another benefit to Halo beyond strength, in-fact there are two but strength is and will always remain its primary purpose.

    In the world of competitive bodybuilding, especially at the elite levels Halotestin is often viewed as a staple in last minute preparation and in this case it really doesn’t have anything to do with strength. Halo has the ability to greatly harden a physique, a lean physique; that is correct, one must already be very lean to reap this benefit; Halo will not magically take a physique that has a layer of fat and make it hard. To reap this reward one must be very lean; preferably already below 6% but even lower is better. Of equal importance is the “push” Halotestin can provide in the final weeks of dieting; competitive bodybuilding diets are some of the hardest and most brutal diets man has ever come up with and towards the end when body fat is low and energy levels are drained pushing through the final training sessions can be the hardest thing anyone ever undertakes. However, with Halotestin use we have one of the few anabolic steroids that actually and truly increases aggression allowing the competitor to push through his final training, giving him the edge he needs that could not be obtained on a calorie restricted diet such as this without Halo.

    The Side-Effects of Halotestin:

    When examining the side-effects of Halotestin we will find they are very similar to some of the more popular DHT based anabolic steroids, side-effects such as acne and hair-loss can be a concern but there are two things we must remember and consider. All steroids and all medications, steroidal and non-steroidal alike carry with them the possibility of negative side-effects but possibility in no way means guaranteed; it simply means the potential is there and the level of potential will vary greatly from one person to the next. Further, because we will only supplement with Halotestin for very short periods of time the possible DHT type side-effects are of very little concern. 4 weeks of total Halo use is fairly common but even use for as little as 2 weeks is not as uncommon as you might think.

    For the individual who goes past the 4 week mark this is where side-effects may begin to become problematic, most notably revolving around the liver; if you recall Halo greatly increases liver enzyme values. Liver damage is without question the most serious concern when Halo is used and for that reason use must necessarily remain responsible if we are to combat this issue and keep our liver healthy. It is true, many of the side-effects commonly associated with anabolic steroids do not exist with Halotestin, there is no aromatase concern therefore there is no concern with things such asGynecomastia or water retention but because it is so liver toxic it can be one of the more dangerous steroids on the market.

    Halotestin & Aggression:

    It is very common for the association of anabolic steroids and aggression to be joined together in discussion; in-fact this is often a main bullet point many will use to discourage anabolic steroids use. However, time and time again it has been proven in most cases, even with performance level dosing that instances such as “Roid Rage” are a myth. Anabolic androgenic steroids do not alter your personality, they do not cause or create a chemical reaction in your brain; this we know as it has been proven on several occasions and most notably by the New England Journal of Medicine. Make no mistake, many anabolic steroids can increase aggression to a degree but aggression is not rage and can be quite a useful tool; it’s what one decides to do with it that makes it good or bad and as anabolic steroids do not alter our brains that decision is on you and you alone.

    As it pertains to Halotestin we actually have one of the few anabolic steroids that can really provide an aggressive bump that will allow the individual to perform at a higher level of intensity. As you can imagine this is perfect for the power lifter and can greatly aid the bodybuilder in his contest diet. It is one of those things that is necessary and it should not be feared; after all, aggression is praised in most aspects of competitive sports, you want aggressive football players who attack on the field, you want aggressive baseball players who swing for the fence; the list goes on and on. There is an old saying regarding rage and anabolic steroids and as Halo can truly increase aggression it is perhaps here that it fits best. If you’re a jerk before you use steroids you’ll simply be a more aggressive jerk with steroids; if you’re a sane individual and not a jackass, you’ll still be the same sane jackass free individual when steroid use is at hand; you will simply now have more aggression to put towards your athletic performance whatever that might be.

    Halotestin Cycles & Doses:

    From examining the above we can see Halotestin would be a poor off-season or mass gaining steroid and in truth outside of the competitive arena there is truly very little use for this anabolic compound. If you find yourself in a competitive circle, such as bodybuilding or power lifting you’ll find Halo works best when taken in two even doses every day during use. The multiple doses are not a must but as this steroid has a half-life of approximately 9.5 hours it is advised. Most will further find the optimal time of use to be 2-4 weeks out from their desired competition and assuming your Halo is real; good news, as the demand isn’t high it’s rarely counterfeited, you’ll have an anabolic steroidthat will truly help punch you through to the end.

    As it pertains to dosing even a low dose will provide a pretty big change; 10mg per day can greatly increase strength, while 20mg per day can greatly harden an already very lean physique. Yes, you can take more but 40mg per day will be our maximum dose if we are to remain safe with 20mg per day being the optimal minimal dose. If you go over 40mg per day you can really do some serious damage to your liver and the tradeoff is simply not worth it, especially when doses that extend past40mg rarely provide much of a difference.

$65.00 Regular Price
$35.00Sale Price

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