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ALTERNATIVE STEROID NAMES:Sustanon, Sustanon 250, Durateston 250, Sostenon 250, Durandron, Deposterone, Testono'n, Sustainbolic, Suston 250
ACTIVE SUBSTANCE:Testosterone propionate, Testosterone isocaproate, Testosterone phenylpropionate, Testosterone decanoateTestosterone  250mg/ml 10 ml vial
Strength Gains:@@@@@@@
Mass & Weight Gains:@@@@@@@
Fat Burning: 
Side Effects:@@@@
Ability to keep Gains:@@@@
Usual dosages:500 - 1500 mg per week
Detection time:3 months
Best combined with:
Bulking:Deca-Durabolin, Equipoise, Anadrol, Dianabol
Cutting:Sustanon is usually not used in cutting cycles.
Beginner Use:@@@@@@@
Female Use: 
Pros:Very good strength and mass building, long acting, affordable, readily available.
Cons:Side effects (lower though), highly counterfeited.

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$35.00 Regular Price
$20.00Sale Price
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