Hexabolan, Parabolan, ...
Therapeutic applications: Unidentified.
Description: Of materials available that it is a means of misused power cables especially athletes and bodybuilders. It supposedly except high androgenic effect and very high anabolic effect. Unlike other flavored vysokoandrogénnych means, because the active ingredient does not convert to estrogen. I therefore there feminization phenomena induced by abuse of the facility. Water retention is also very small, which makes it suitable to be exploited mainly in preparation for competition. Reported is the effective combination of poor diet in calories but rich in protein. The result is an excellent post-workout recovery, and brutally hard dense muscle mass with high žilnatosťou. Perhaps the course is a significant potential for power, which has a doping sinner, this means abusive.
The trenbolone, it is argued that the whole year is not abused anabolic-androgenic steroids. The period of use is limited to a few weeks, due to its toxicity. This represents an enormous burden on the kidneys and to a lesser extent, the liver. Mention the cases where the abuser Doping consumers means more time at the end literally urinated blood. Increasing fluid intake (3-5 liters) for abuse of trenbolone is considered by many as a necessity. Acne and hair loss are said to occur only rarely.
Abused benefits: The available information indicates that most abused tend to benefit in the range of 76-228 mg per week. Of course, again there are combinations depending on in which period this composition abused. To increase the amount of funds being misused combination with stanozolol, methandienone, and oxymetholone. Gain muscle hardness and density provide data in combination with oxandrolone, but also with growth hormone.
Form: Injection ampoules containing 76 mg.